MSTII Doctoral School


The Mathematics, Information Science and Technology, Computer Science doctoral school

The Mathematics, Information Science and Technology, Computer Science doctoral school (ED MSTII) is a thematic doctoral school in the Grenoble region (including Chambéry and Valence). ED MSTII is one of the 13 doctoral schools of the Collège doctoral de l'Université Grenoble Alpes.

The ED MSTII brings together all doctoral students in the field of mathematics and computer science. Its scientific perimeter is well described by its thesis specialties: Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Mathematics-informatics, Computer Science.
The ED has more than 280 thesis supervisors (see "Laboratories and thesis supervisors" tab).
Many theses are carried out in collaboration with Grenoble-based companies.
The Grenoble area benefits from a strong industrial R&D base:
Nearly 4,500 R&D engineers work here for major groups and leading-edge companies such as STMicroelectronics, Schneider Electric, HP, Orange Lab, Bull, Oracle (Sun Microsystems), Xerox Research Center, and others.
Most MSTII PhDs are hired by industry, in France or abroad, generally in R&D positions. Careers in higher education or research organizations are also numerous.

PhD students complete their theses in an exceptional scientific environment:
The scientific quality of the supervision and laboratories that make up the ED was rated A+ (highest grade) when the doctoral school was evaluated by AERES (Agence d'Evaluation de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement Supérieur) in 2010. In 2015, HCERES confirmed this excellent evaluation (no rating in the 2015 evaluation procedure).
The Doctoral School has a very strong national and international outlook:
More than half of doctoral students come from courses (masters, engineering schools) outside Grenoble, and nearly a quarter from courses abroad.

Published on  December 16, 2020
Updated on November 22, 2023