Application for the HDR
The Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR) is the highest qualification in the French university system and enables doctoral students and young researchers to be supervised. The HDR is required to apply for a professorship.
The decree of 23 November 1988 on habilitation to direct research specifies :
The decree of 23 November 1988 on habilitation to direct research specifies :
Article 1: The habilitation to supervise research recognises the candidate's high scientific level, the originality of his or her approach in a scientific field, his or her ability to master a research strategy in a sufficiently broad scientific or technological field and his or her ability to supervise young researchers.
In particular, it entitles the holder to apply for access to the body of university professors. - Article 2: This diploma is awarded, on the one hand, by the universities and, on the other hand, by the public higher education establishments appearing on a list drawn up by the Minister for Higher Education, after consulting the National Council for Higher Education and Research.
- Article 3: Candidates must hold :
- a doctorate or
- a doctor's diploma entitling them to practise medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and veterinary medicine and a diploma of advanced studies or a research master's degree, or provide proof of a diploma, work or experience of a level equivalent to a doctorate.
Applications may be submitted to only one institution during the same academic year. Candidates who have already been enrolled for this diploma at another establishment must indicate this.
Applications for enrolment are examined by the president or director of the institution, who makes a decision on the basis of a proposal from the Scientific Advisory Board meeting in a formation restricted to persons qualified to direct research, and after receiving the opinion of the research director if the applicant has one.
You want to take your habilitation to direct research
To do this, you need to contact a doctoral school in your field of research. Each doctoral school may have its own procedure. HdR registration is subject to prior authorisation from the HdR committee, which is attached to the doctoral school.For the mathematics-computer science spectrum, the ED MSTII (maths-info) has two sub-commissions: one for mathematics, the other for applied mathematics and computer science.
It is possible to apply for one-off approval to supervise a thesis without HdR. With a few exceptions, this is the case when a thesis is launched and the person who will supervise it is close to passing an HdR.
Requests are managed on an ad hoc basis.
Once authorisation has been obtained, the applicant can begin the registration procedure by sending an email to the Science, Technology and Health Registration Centre: to arrange a meeting.
Mathematics sub-committee: Emmanuel PEYRE | Content of the mathematics application file: > An internal opinion by an HDR from the ED, > An HDR dissertation project, > A list of publications with > Reprints of these articles or URLs where they can be accessed, > A proposal of 5 potential referees. |
Applied Mathematics and Informatics Sub-Committee: Sana LOUHICHI |
Contents of the applied mathematics and computer science application: > A letter of intent, > A detailed CV > A brief description of past research activities, > A brief description of the research project, > Supervision of theses, dissertations, projects, etc, > A list of publications, > A commented list of 5 to 6 potential referees (with titles, websites and contact details). |
From intention to presentation: the main stages

Published on January 8, 2021
Updated on July 21, 2023
Updated on July 21, 2023