Scientific Courses

Scientifics training courses dispensed by the Doctoral School - 2023-2024

Course title                                                  Speaker Dates: du .........       au ......... Mode : face to face or video

For more informations click on the following link: Scientific & transversl _training courses

Link to training courses on the Grenoble site (non-exhaustive list)

>> General and professional training offered by the Doctoral Colleges:

The Doctoral Colleges of the co-accrediting establishments of the ED offer training courses common to all the EDs.
The descriptions of these training courses and the registration procedures are given on their respective sites below:

- Training offered by the CED UGA
- Training offered by the CED of University of Savoie

>> The scientific training of local masters (examples)
Units take place from September to January. The link "List of teaching units offered in ..." indicates the teaching units open for the current year.

- Computing specialty of the Master of Maths-Computer Science
- Research Master (R) in Fundamental Mathematics
- Training offered by ENSIMAG

>> Other structures offering general and professional training (for information)

- The language Department offers language courses. You can choose to take classes for 1 semester or go through the self-directed learning center and conversation workshops. Registrations are made per semester, in September and January only.
- The CUEF offers French courses only.
- The Maison de l'entrepreneurship offers training in business creation, among other things
- The Doctoriales are useful for students in 2nd and 3rd year for professional training

Published on  January 8, 2021
Updated on May 21, 2024