Thesis supervision practices
PhD Advisor
In accordance with the decree of 25 May 2016, the thesis director must hold an HDR or equivalent qualification. He/she must be attached to the ED MSTII. A thesis director may not exceed a supervision rate of more than 300% (i.e. 3 PhD students supervised at 100% or 6 PhD students supervised at 50%).If you hold the HDR diploma and would like to be attached to our school, you must apply by sending us a copy of your HDR diploma and your CV.
PhD Co-advisor
In accordance with the regulations, two thesis supervisors may jointly supervise the thesis. For the MSTII ED, the co-directorship rate is set at 50%.A management team (director, co-director, co-supervisor) may not be made up of more than two people (with the exception of doctorates carried out under a CIFRE agreement, where a co-director may be appointed within the company funding the doctorate).
The co-leaders
To enable younger non-HDR researchers to gain recognition for their involvement in supervising doctoral students, and to help them prepare for their HDR, they may be officially listed as members of the management team in the doctoral students' registration file. This person who is not an HDR supervisor is then referred to as a co-supervisor.A non-HDR co-supervisor may not co-supervise more than 3 doctoral students and may not co-supervise more than 2 doctoral students at 50% at the same time. The latter measure is intended to encourage supervisors to obtain their HDR.
We would also like to remind you that any degree that is not obtained in accordance with the law is, by its very nature, legally enforceable. It is therefore of the utmost importance for a supervisor - in relation to his or her doctoral student - to ensure that the law is complied with at all times and, of course, during the defence.
Published on January 8, 2021
Updated on July 21, 2023
Updated on July 21, 2023