Courses at the Doctoral School
At the end of your thesis you must be able to justify at least 120 hours balanced between the 3 types of training:
- disciplinary training (Scientific)
- professional integration (Insertion Professionnelle)
- transversal education,
Financing of training:
Most courses (M2R, specific ED course) are free. For summer schools, you must contact your laboratory, which centralizes the requests and sends them to the ED, which then decides on the amounts it can grant.
Definition of training module
Training courses can be selected from the teachings of another graduate school, another university, a company, in France and abroad.
You can see in the following table most followed courses, their type and hours generally granted (table in French so far - ask your supervisor if you need help for translation) :
Training table (non-exhaustive list)
For counting training hours , The final say on validating credits is up to the Doctoral School, leaving a certain flexibility. Les formations ne sont validées que sur présentation d'un justificatif.
Hours will only be validated if proof of attendance is provided.
The Doctoral School has the last word on the award of hours and may take cases on their individual merits. Some courses may be counted as transversal or IP credits depending on the student's profile and/or his/her professional goals.
For IP credits, with exception to students being salaried, you must validate at leat 15h corresponding to courses useful to professional integration (as examples: doctoriales, marketing industriel, stage "Technique de Recherche d'Emplois" of DFI).
For students funded by a CIFRE contract, it is recommended to attend such courses but, if you had the opportunity to develop such an experience in the company (via training, workshops, etc.), this experience may be validated too (please send a synthesis of you experience before the end of the second year of your PhD).
Helpful hints
Master's-type classes are generally more useful during the first year of a PhD course; summer schools offer specialized training and are consequently relevant throughout your course or subsequent career.
Don't wait till the second year before starting general and professional-integration (G and IP) training. You should pick up all the hours you need by the end of the second year, leaving the last year of the PhD free to focus on research and writing your thesis.
You are fully entitled to do more training than required by the school.
Updated on January 30, 2024